перша ДОМАШКА з блогу
до тексту з СВ. р. 102
невiдомi слова
assistant - помічник
arrived - прибули
in time - вчасно
to catch - сісти (на потяг)
sat - сіли
carriage - вагон, купе
told - сказав
customs - традиції
travelled - подорожували
thought - подумав
learn - дізнатися
saw - бачив
fields - поля
forests - ліси
jungles - джунглі
felt - почувався
nervous - знервований
to complete - здійснити
way - шлях
calm - спокійний
conductor - провідник
journey - подорож
tickets - квитки
boat - човен
went - пішов
look for - шукати
lucky - щасливчик
found - знайшов
на окремому аркушi слiд написати вiдповiдi
( цифри у стовпчик,а поряд буква T або F)
1) They wanted to go to Calculator.
2) Phileas Fogg arrived just in time to catch the bus.
3) Fogg and Passepartout sat in a carriage with a man.
4) Sir Francis told Fogg about history and customs.
5) They saw jungled in a window.
6) They wanted to complete journey in eighteen days.
7) There was a big beautiful railway station.
8) There was not railway anymore.
9) They had tickets for ferry.
10) Their boat leaves Calcutta in three days.
11) Fogg went to look for mushrooms.
12) They wanted to ride an elephant.
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